For Children 33 months - Kindergarten
We offer a ratio of 1 staff member to every 8 children (state ratio is 1:10).
When your child is at least 33 months old and has mastered toilet training, he is ready to move into our preschool room.
The preschool staff create an enriching classroom environment and make available guidance, stimulating materials and motivating curricula, so that a foundation for optimum development can be provided. The Shepherd’s Care preschool curriculum provides your child with the extended period of time they need to play, to plan, to reflect, to practice and to connect new experiences and knowledge to that which is familiar and known. Our curriculum offers many opportunities for your child to develop kindergarten readiness skills. We will help your child become comfortable with new experiences. Our efforts are directed toward providing a safe, loving and healthy environment for young children as well as building a mutually positive relationship with you as parents. We have two preschool age classrooms each licensed to serve up to 25 children.
Full Time
Part Time
2 Day: $215/week
3 Day: $290/week
4 days is considered full time